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    • 번역서 바로가기 : SI재료역학 9판 / 9788962184136

    • 목차 

    • 1 Tension, Compression, and Shear
      1.1 Introduction to Mechanics of Materials 2
      1.2 Problem-Solving Approach 2
      1.3 Statics Review 3
      1.4 Normal Stress and Strain 22
      1.5 Mechanical Properties of Materials 31
      1.6 Elasticity, Plasticity, and Creep 38
      1.7 Linear Elasticity, Hooke’s Law, and Poisson’s Ratio 44
      1.8 Shear Stress and Strain 50
      1.9 Allowable Stresses and Allowable Loads 63
      1.10 Design For Axial Loads and Direct Shear 70
      Chapter Summary and Review 74
      Problems 77

      2 Axially Loaded Members
      2.1 Introduction 124
      2.2 Changes in Lengths of Axially Loaded Members 124
      2.3 Changes in Lengths under Nonuniform Conditions 132
      2.4 Statically Indeterminate Structures 146
      2.5 Thermal Effects, Misfits, and Prestrains 159
      2.6 Stresses on Inclined Sections 178
      2.7 Strain Energy 190
      *2.8 Impact Loading 201
      *2.9 Repeated Loading and Fatigue 209
      *2.10 Stress Concentrations 211
      *2.11 Nonlinear Behavior 218
      *2.12 Elastoplastic Analysis 222
      Chapter Summary and Review 229
      Problems 231
      * Specialized and/or advanced topics


      3.1 Introduction 282
      3.2 Torsional Deformations of a Circular Bar 282
      3.3 Circular Bars of Linearly Elastic Materials 285
      3.4 Nonuniform Torsion 298
      3.5 Stresses and Strains in Pure Shear 310
      3.6 Relationship Between Moduli of Elasticity E and G 317
      3.7 Transmission of Power by Circular Shafts 319
      3.8 Statically Indeterminate Torsional Members 323
      3.9 Strain Energy in Torsion and Pure Shear 327
      3.10 Torsion of Noncircular Prismatic Shafts 334
      3.11 Thin-Walled Tubes 344
      *3.12 Stress Concentrations in Torsion 352
      Chapter Summary and Review 357
      Problems 360
      *Specialized and/or advanced topics


      4 Shear Forces and Bending Moments
      4.1 Introduction 390
      4.2 Types of Beams, Loads, and Reactions 390
      4.3 Shear Forces and Bending Moments 400
      4.4 Relationships Among Loads, Shear Forces, and Bending
      Moments 408
      4.5 Shear-Force and Bending-Moment Diagrams 412
      Chapter Summary and Review 439
      Problems 441


      5.1 Introduction 460
      5.2 Pure Bending and Nonuniform Bending 460
      5.3 Curvature of a Beam 461
      5.4 Longitudinal Strains in Beams 463
      5.5 Normal Stresses in Beams (Linearly Elastic Materials) 467
      5.6 Design of Beams for Bending Stresses 480
      5.7 Nonprismatic Beams 490
      5.8 Shear Stresses in Beams of Rectangular Cross Section 494
      5.9 Shear Stresses in Beams of Circular Cross Section 502
      5.10 Shear Stresses in the Webs of Beams with Flanges 505
      *5.11 Built-Up Beams and Shear Flow 512
      *5.12 Beams with Axial Loads 516
      *5.13 Stress Concentrations in Bending 523
      Chapter Summary and Review 528
      Problems 532
      *Specialized and/or advanced topics


      6 Stresses in Beams (Advanced Topics)
      6.1 Introduction 570
      6.2 Composite Beams 570
      6.3 Transformed-Section Method 579
      6.4 Doubly Symmetric Beams with Inclined Loads 587
      6.5 Bending of Unsymmetric Beams 594
      6.6 The Shear-Center Concept 605
      6.7 Shear Stresses in Beams of Thin-Walled Open Cross Sections 606
      6.8 Shear Stresses in Wide-Flange Beams 609
      6.9 Shear Centers of Thin-Walled Open Sections 613
      *6.10 Elastoplastic Bending 621
      Chapter Summary and Review 630
      Problems 632
      *Specialized or Advanced Topics


      7 Analysis of Stress and Strain
      7.1 Introduction 658
      7.2 Plane Stress 658
      7.3 Principal Stresses and Maximum Shear Stresses 666
      7.4 Mohr’s Circle for Plane Stress 674
      7.5 Hooke’s Law for Plane Stress 687
      7.6 Triaxial Stress 693
      7.7 Plane Strain 697
      Chapter Summary and Review 712
      Problems 715


      8 Applications of Plane Stress
      (Pressure Vessels, Beams, and Combined Loadings

      8.1 Introduction 740
      8.2 Spherical Pressure Vessels 740
      8.3 Cylindrical Pressure Vessels 746
      8.4 Maximum Stresses in Beams 753
      8.5 Combined Loadings 761
      Chapter Summary and Review 786
      Problems 788


      9 Deflections of Beams

      9.1 Introduction 812
      9.2 Differential Equations of the Deflection Curve 812
      9.3 Deflections by Integration of the Bending-Moment
      Equation 817
      9.4 Deflections by Integration of the Shear-Force and Load
      Equations 828
      9.5 Method of Superposition 833
      9.6 Moment-Area Method 842
      9.7 Nonprismatic Beams 850
      9.8 Strain Energy of Bending 855
      *9.9 Castigliano’s Theorem 860
      *9.10 Deflections Produced by Impact 872
      *9.11 Temperature Effects 874
      Chapter Summary and Review 878
      Problems 880
      *Advanced topics


      10 Statically Indeterminate Beams

      10.1 Introduction 910
      10.2 Types of Statically Indeterminate Beams 910
      10.3 Analysis by the Differential Equations of the Deflection
      Curve 913
      10.4 Method of Superposition 919
      *10.5 Temperature Effects 933
      *10.6 Longitudinal Displacements at the Ends of a Beam 940
      Chapter Summary and Review 943
      Problems 945
      *Advanced topics


      11 Columns

      11.1 Introduction 964
      11.2 Buckling and Stability 964
      11.3 Columns with Pinned Ends 972
      11.4 Columns with Other Support Conditions 981
      11.5 Columns with Eccentric Axial Loads 990
      11.6 The Secant Formula for Columns 995
      11.7 Elastic and Inelastic Column Behavior 1000
      11.8 Inelastic Buckling 1002
      Chapter Summary and Review 1008
      Problems 1011


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